The Myo Shin Juku Aikido Group is part of the United Kingdom Aikikai (UKA), which is affiliated to the International Headquarters of Aikido, at Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan.
The Group was created and led by Mr. Peter Brady SHIHAN (7th Dan So Hombu, 3rd Dan IaiDo) until his passing in July 2018. He was also a Principal Instructor of the UKA.
Since Peter Brady’s passing, the group is being led by Mr. Cliff Price (6th Dan So Hombu, Shidoin), in memory of Peter and in order to continue his Aikido teachings.
Myo Shin Juku also has other Senior Instructors within the UKA:-
Ms Cath Davies (6th Dan So Hombu, Shidoin),
Mrs Rebecca Saville (5th Dan So Hombu, Fuku Shidoin)
Mr. David Hill (5th Dan So Hombu, Fuku Shidoin)
Mr. Richard Hughes (5th Dan So Hombu, Fuku Shidoin)
There are affiliated clubs throughout England:-
- Birmingham
- Barking
- Shrewsbury
Details of the above clubs can be seen by selecting from the navigation bar above.